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UPDATED 6/3/22
The Short Version-

I'm a graphic artist currently based in Huntsville, Al. I have an art education and work in a local vehicle wrap shop designing personal and commercial wraps. I love working with Typography and pushing the line between Illustration and Graphic Design.

The Extended Version-

I have lived in norther Alabama for most of my life, with the exceptions pursuing higher education. I attended Bob Jones High School in Madison, where I found my deep devotion to creativity. In total, I took a whole school years worth of art credits and digital media classes. I also won a few awards and have been in a couple of shows; but you’re not interested in hearing me brag about my grade school accomplishments.

I attended two different art schools during my college career. The first being Memphis College of Art. It was here that I spent, what felt like, 2 very long years in an old building called Rust Hall. Now, don’t get me wrong, my professors were great and I met a lot of great artist, but the school didn't drive me, and it showed. In 2018, MCA gathered all of us into the auditorium, where they announced that they would be closing in 2020. I could have stayed and finished my degree there, however, they couldn’t guarantee the classes or those classes having professors, so, I mean, why would I? With this info, myself and about 90% of the school transferred out to better opportunities. One thing MCA really did for me however: it gave me a better grasp of what I wanted out of an art education. I packed all of my things and headed north, to the land of corn, Ohio. To this day, I think Ohio gets a bad warp. Who doesn’t love freezing cold nights and steadily grey skies?

Columbus College of Art and Design is where I would spend the next two years finishing my BFA. This is the place that felt like home. There was a strong art community, great professors, and lots of gifted creatives. This environment helped me to find my love for graphic arts. I began to focus heavily on that. I graduated in 2020 as Magna Cum Laud with a major in illustration. Granted, Covid-19 did make graduation rather uneventful. Getting a job straight out of college is hard enough, but during a pandemic? This was not going to be easy.

I applied to several jobs when I got back home. Eventually, I did get a job working as a designer for a local vehicle wrap shop. Here I worked with large format printers to create graphics for companies or personal vehicles. I also had the honor of designing the wall wrap in the main lobby.

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